Easter Weekend 2023

Forest. Food. Fun. Flowers. Family.

These words pretty much sum up this wonderful weekend. :)

Lush Green Moss

I spent this weekend with my boyfriend and on Sunday we visited his family. In the afternoon we took a nice walk around his family's neighborhood and the adjoining, small but quaint forest area. Pictured here is some wonderful, lush moss growing on tree-stumps we found in the forest.

I used this opportunity to take a small piece of decaying bark that was covered with moss, back with me, as a reminder of the forest.

More wonderful Moss

Earlier this weekend, my boyfriend helped me plant pansies on my balcony and I am looking forward to seeing them keep blooming through spring and summer. (✿◠‿◠)

Last Friday night, I also invited him over for an Indian meal. I cooked some kidney beans in a rich tomato sauce, seasoned with the 20000 spices I have, (as we often joke) along with basmati rice. This is a delicacy from the northern part of India and one that is easily one of my childhood favorites. Kidney Beans

We also went bouldering, which like website design and HTML, is pretty new to me. We had a great time. Unfortunately, my boyfriend pulled a muscle in his back. I hope he is back to his springy-self soon. ♥

All in all, it was a pretty great weekend and with that my first web-page is finally up and running! WOO-HOO!